Sunday, July 22, 2012

Korean Dramas

So there is one plot line when I see Korean dramas or romantic films. I'd rather have the heroine being chased by 2 guys instead of the hero being chased by 2 girls. I challenge of chivalry from guys is better than a desperate cling from girls. It's just sad to see a girl get rejected by a guy. A guy getting rejected just doesn't get that much sympathy. I don't know why. Maybe it has to do with a girl's biological clock. Her time is running short on finding the right guy to procreate with. While a guy has no such restraint in time. It's dashing to see a man fight for the hand of a maiden. When two men duel, it's so sexy. When 2 women duel, it gets catty and petty. So I say nay to a love triangle between 2 women and 1 man, but yay to 2 men and 1 woman. May the best man win.

The Devil's Double

I was watching The Devil's Double on Netflix yesterday. I didn't get to finish it, but I did get to see some of the heinous, violent acts that Uday Hussein committed while his father, Saddam Hussein, was in power. I always wonder about the motives of a person when I see violent crimes committed, like their childhood experiences and the parental neglect. I always wonder what it takes to make a monster. In Uday's case, the unlimited power that he probably possessed while growing up led to his psychotic behaviors. Every one of his sinful whims were satisfied at an early age, leading him to kidnap underaged girls, rape them, and killing anyone and everyone who did not please him. What a sick person!

On Friday morning, a brilliant science student named James Holmes came into a darkened movie theater and blasted around 70 rounds of bullets. He killed 12 people and injured around 60 more. It was written in the newspaper that he had no motive for the massacre. I wonder what was in his mind. Why would he go on a shooting rampage likes this? Were there any telltale signs of a mass murderer while he was growing up? What kind of demons was he wrestling with? He said that he was the Joker, did media shape him into this monster then? Quite possibly. If power is not kept in check, it will only escalate in the wrong possible way. Anyone with unchecked power can and will seek violence and other vile acts. It's fitting for parents, teachers, and society to put restraints on people so that they don't fall victims to psychosis.

Morales is something that I question to. Is it originally built in us or do we have to learn it. The more that I think about it, I think it's built in us by teacher of our lives. We are born pure, seeing things black and white. As we grow, grays come into the picture and we learn to slowly differentiate the degrees of gray and what is acceptable and what is not. Some people just never learns this. Either they have no good teacher to show them the way or they neglect every possible warning and advice. Uday Hussein and James Holmes snowballed into becoming monsters. They probably started out small monsters, bruising their conscious and neglecting their teachers. Sin wasn't kept in check. They got drunk on their own sense of power and brilliance. They then devalued life and became murderers.

Monday, July 9, 2012

More Wedding Planning

Today was spent on pinning cute wedding ideas on pinterest. I've decided that our honeymoon destination will determine when our wedding will be. The right time to go to these locations will determine the wedding month, which will determine what flowers are in bloom during that season, which will then lead to color palette for the wedding, and then the color for cake, invitations, bridesmaids dresses, etc. If my man finally proposes within the next year, we can plan for a summer wedding in 2014. That means we will be going to Brazil for the FIFA World Cup in 2014 and our honeymoon. If he decides that he needs more time to save and plan then I have him choose from 3 destinations: Maui, Florence, and Santorini. Maui for it's beaches, Florence for the culture, art, touristy thing, and Santorini for the chill atmosphere.

I was talking to my friend while I was pinning away and she basically told me to wait for the proposal so that I don't have to replan later. I would totally agree with her if I was in the right state of mind (I'm not the type of girl to plan in advance for a wedding like some other girls I know), BUT I landed on Martha Stewart Wedding Planning Board and it had so many pretty things pinned on it. I was hooked like an addict.

It doesn't seem like a distant dream. It seems like it's within my grasp in a couple of years. And what's amazing is that I'm not freaking out. I think I freaked out about really getting married when some talks came from him last year. I just couldn't imagine being tied down like that. All the added responsibility. Plus my cousin got married and it seemed like married life was just that, real life. Not glamorous and all, but filled with dinner preparing, dish washing, and laundry. Then the baby comes and basically a couple has no life. So even though I was thrilled with vague talks about marriage, I wasn't to gungho about it. It's changed a bit now. I've almost entered a new phase in my life (not sharing too much details cuz it's currently in the works). I might be moving and it would be nice to get a place in the vicinity of where we would like to start a home. Schaumburg area perhaps? Anyways it's exciting. I want to take him along for the ride. Maybe it's too early. He recently started a new phase earlier this year. With that added, maybe it's better to settle down when we are more settled in our lives.

Well maybe instead of planning every detail, I should go with the flow. My man is pretty respectable and keeps his word, so I'm sure he'll propose in the next year or 2, before we reach 30. What's left for me is to have fun planning. Not to get too stressed out. Let it be.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

My Run

I ran from Golf Mill area to Old Orchard Mall. I got lost in a neighborhood in Glenview and ended up overshooting my destination. Therefore, I ran and walked a total of 6 miles today. That is the furthest that I've ever gone on foot I think. I began to appreciate cars.

I said I got lost in a neighborhood in Glenview. Well it wasn't any neighborhood, it looked like a separate village. Mansions aligned next to roads without a sidewalk, nestled in between trees and conifers. It seemed like I was walking through a large national park with houses sprinkled through it. It was wonderful. I prayed that I could live in one of these houses. I also saw many wildlife like dragonflies, squirrels, and robins. It was beautiful.

I made my destination Old Orchard Mall because my boyfriend worked today at his office for Blue Cube (plug for a great advertisement company). After I finally got there after one and a half hours. My knees were sore, I was sweaty, and my skin was peeling. During the last stretch the song by Arethra Franklin "Ain't No Mountain High Enough" was in my mind cuz I walked so dang long to my man...hahaha. I told him to buy my dinner cuz I was exhausted and needed replenishment. We ate at Pot Belly's. It was a cute mini-date.

The weather was amazing for such a run like this. Not like those other over 100 degrees days we've been having in Illinois. I was pumped up with adrenaline from the run and the sun's ray. I couldn't keep singing and moving around. At Pot Belly's I pointed somewhere quick and accidentally punched a woman in the face. I apologized refusely. Jung said he found it the funniest thing of today. I felt really bad, but the woman also ran into my arm as I was extending it, so it was both our faults.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Wedding Dresses

I haven't blogged for a long time. Today I'm going to talk out what I want for my future wedding. All girls plan this at a young age, but I'm just beginning to put in ink what I want.

I want to look elegant, gorgeous, but modest. So I have decided to go with the Illusion Neckline for a Wedding Dress. I prefer not to wear bulky fabrics like satin. I also prefer the mermaid cut.

this is a convertible satin faced organza gown with an illusion piece by Vera Wang. Yes it is beautiful, but I still don't like the fact that it's made out of satin, so I will try to find more illusion neckline dresses.

I like this one too. Very beautiful, except I don't like the lace pattern on the bottom of the dress. It's too complicated. Maybe it will look different in person though. This is Claire Pettibone's Sky Between the Branches look.

I think I'm in love with this one. This one is from Marchesa 2013 collection. I love the sleeves. The neckline is simple and not too low cut. The cut of the gown makes one look slim and tall. But I think I can find better.

MONIQUE LHUILLIER SS13 Bridal Collection
Love the fabric and lace cutout design. The sleeves are gorgeous too. Wish it had a sheer illusion neckline, but it does have an illusion cap sleeve. Wish it had more cover too. By Monique Lhuillier called Radiance.

Like this for the coverage, but wish the flower designs were more delicate. Looks great from far away. Up close is not so great. Manuel Mota Galveston.

Of course dresses need to be worn. So to be continued in the dress hunt.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Sometimes I need to put things in perspective and not get so down. My problems are minuscule compared to the majority out there. I have a roof over my head, food to eat, and loving relatives by me. There are people who are faced with problems such as homelessness, starvation, or complete solitude.

Even with all these problems, there is a God out there that cares for them and will help them go through their problems. I need to realize that God has my back too. Even though this job search has been extended and new graduates are coming into the market, which means more competition, I need to feel extremely blessed that I have a degree, which not everybody is blessed with. I have a chance to go back to school for a masters in health informatics. Maybe this is the road for me. Maybe God will open up more doors in the future. I need to stop thinking that things are so bleak. Satan is speaking lies to me saying that I am not good enough, but I need to overcome and be filled with the truth that God speaks of in the Bible.

Sometimes surviving is a miracle in itself. The bare minimum is a blessed life. The fact that life goes on is amazing. Plans are thwarted, things seem to turn awry, but hope is never lost as long as there is breath in your lungs.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Chicago Botanic Garden Pictures

 Eastern Redwood Tree
 Cardinal Sideview
 Cardinal Frontview
 Weeping Willow Tree by lake
 Weeping Willow Tree by glistening lake
 Japanese Garden Waterfall
 Tulip Garden
 Eastern Redwood Tree
 Double Cherry Blossom Tree
 Cran Apple Tree by lake
 Cran Apple Tree Tunnel
 Closeup of Cran Apple Tree Flower
 Weeping Willow Tree by Bridge Walkway
 Lake 1
 Lake 2
Lake 3